
GamaSec logo image


Security Service

We are the authorized distributor of GamaSec. GamaSec provides a unique combination of cyber security, remediation-as-a-service and financial assurance to minimize the risk of website attacks for small and medium-sized businesses. FINALLY, SMBs gain the same security and resilience as large enterprises.



GamaSec provides the industry-leading cloud-based (SaaS) solution for identifying web site and web application vulnerabilities. Built from the ground up on a completely different technology backbone than its competitors, GamaSec goes beyond traditional signature-based scanners to find more “real-world” vulnerabilities based on deeper and more granular inspection.

GamaSec incorporates multi-layered threat analysis methods that operate on scanned objects to effectively detect possible malware attack. Heuristic technology is combined with Malicious Content Detection engine providing complete break-down of the malicious web content to provide an innovative Malware detection.

GamaSec scanner explores the entire Web application environment and registers its structure and contents. Then it mimics actual hacking methods to identify and uncover the details of any point that is vulnerable to an attack including:

・SQL Injection Attack - Attempt to get the database server to execute arbitrary SQL.

・Cross Site Scripting Attack - Attempt to coerce the program to outputting third party Javascript.

・Parameter Manipulation Attack - Attempt to manipulate input to application validation and filtering.

・Code Injection Attack - Attempt to execute arbitrary code.

・Hidden Tag Issues – Attempt to retrieve sensitive information, such as price, hard coded into forms using hidden tags.

The web scanner can be used to discover a wide range of vulnerabilities and, following detection, actually recommends solutions designed to protect the vulnerable data.


Contact about GamaSec

You can contact us about GamaSec from below button.

Contact(about GamaSec)

SGAYLER logo image


Housing Service

SGAYLER main image

SGALER is the data center which was intact even when the Great East Japan Earthquake occured. Assuming operational methods, convenience of management and a future replacement, we propose an optimal plan for everyone and rates server.

・A power supply of up to 90A per rack
・Earthquake resistance of the intact to the Great East Japan Earthquake
・Detailed Checks and Reports

We support and maintain any server reegardless of its belonging.


We have 3 plans

・Standard Server
 (For your websites and e-mails)

・Business Server
 (Suitable for large content sites)

・Premium Server
 (High-load system operation and high customizability)

Standard Server

The price of Standard Server
Type Type S 1 Type S 2 Type S 3
initial cost ¥5,250 ¥6,300 ¥7,350
monthly fee ¥5,250 〜 ¥10,500 〜 ¥15,750 〜
domain admin - - -
numbers of domain 1 2 3
Web storage 1GB 2GB 5GB
mail storage 3GB

Business Server

The price of Business Server
Type Type B 1 Type B 2 Type B 3
initial cost ¥52,500
monthly fee ¥10,500 〜 ¥21,000 〜 ¥31,500 〜
domain admin initial cost ¥0 / monthly fee ¥525
per domain (sub domain included)
numbers of domain infinite
Web storage within disk storage
mail storage within disk storage

Premium Server

The price of Premium Server
Type Type P 1 Type P 2 Type P 3 Type P 4
initial cost ¥0 ¥105,000 ¥210,000 ¥315,000
monthly fee ¥52,500 〜 ¥52,500 〜 ¥73,350 〜 ¥105,000 〜
domain admin initial cost ¥0 / monthly fee ¥525
per domain (sub domain included)
numbers of domain infinite 3
Web storage HDD Space
mail storage HDD Space


Contact about SGAYLER

You can contact us about SGAYLER from below button.

Contact(about SGAYLER)

japanese markets consulting logo image

Japanese Markets Consulting

Product evaluation/suggestions

We conduct quality evaluation in Japanese Quality. With regard to quality, the evaluations of Japanese customers are so severe that getting their attention is an important point to make a success in Japan. Ask us, experts for quality evaluation, for checking your products and our suggestions for improvement and customization of your products for Japan.

Please click Here for more information about Software Quality Verification Service.



Localization of products and documentation

We translate correspondence, various contracts and technical documentation in English, Chinese and other languages. In addition, we design appropriate packages for Japan, conduct product presentations and build download sites as an advertising company.

We are supporting overseas

Supporting overseas enterprises' entering the Japanese market

It costs overseas enterprises considering entering the Japanese market to send a representative to Japan for expanding their businesses. Even the companies which have done it will take time more than expected to get their business going if they do not understand the Japanese commercial practices and cultural differences. Under the rapidly changing business environment, it is very important to build a system that can effectively sell their products and to make the profitable sales. We have a precise marketing in Japan and support overseas enterprises' entering the Japanese market and expanding their businesses with our corporate network and business experience of IT and advertisements. Contact us for beginning your business in Japan, selling products and seeking solutions of the Japanese marketing or other troubles.


・France 3
・Latvia 1
・Italy  1

What we do

・Supporting entering the Japanese market
・Promotion, advertising, marketing and sales
・Finding and preparing for effective exhibitions
・Agency services like visiting exhibitions and collecting information
・Finding sales bases and offices
・Finding and preparing for contracting sales agency
・Negotiating and coordinating Japanese enterprises
・Guiding and interpreting
・Contacting experts like lawyers and accountants of Japan
・Agency work in local offices
・Purchace negotiation, exporting to Japan, insurance procedures, customs clearance and domestic transportations arrangements to the specified location
・Consultation on Japanese business


Contact about Consulting

You can contact us about Consulting from below button.

Contact(about Consulting)